
Exercise therapy

What is Exercise Therapy?

Exercise therapy is exactly what it sounds like: We use various exercises and movements as an incredibly effective treatment technique. Research from around the world along with years of clinical experience have demonstrated the effectiveness of properly prescribed and executed exercise programs in managing and resolving a wide variety of issues and conditions.

How does it work?

After a thorough assessment of your needs, we will prescribe exercises designed to treat your problem area along with supportive movements to prevent the issue from returning. Placing focused stress on tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments and bone through various exercises helps to create a more productive and efficient healing environment. Your physiotherapist will teach you each exercise and provide a detailed written program to take with you. Our physiotherapists will guide you through every movement while also explaining the purpose, technique, modifications and progressions of each exercise to properly assist with your recovery.

What types of exercises will I do?

You can expect a combination of stretching, strengthening, postural correction and aerobic exercises to renew your body. Exercise plans vary and are always tailored to your therapeutic needs, personal preferences, availability of exercise equipment and the time you are able to dedicate.

Do I have to be fit to benefit from Exercise Therapy?

Exercise Therapy is for people of all fitness levels. As part of your treatment plan, our physiotherapists will prescribe exercises that are designed for your particular needs and will always match your current fitness level.

What are the benefits of Exercise Therapy?

Exercise therapy is so beneficial that it is a component within every treatment program. Benefits include improvements in range of motion, strength, endurance, coordination, confidence, sleep, as well as reducing or controlling inflammation and chronic pain. It’s also one of few therapy options with treatments that you can do at home, empowering you to facilitate healing outside of the physiotherapy clinic.

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